Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate FOR CERAMIC SLURRY FORMING manufacturers and suppliers | Standard

Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate FOR CERAMIC SLURRY FORMING

Goirid Tuairisgeul:

Sodium metasilicate   is a salt of silicic acid, and its molecular formula can be written as Na2SiO3·nH2O. Sodium metasilicate is a low molecular crystal prepared by the thermal reaction of a common bubble base with caustic soda
Synonyms :Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate

bathar Detail

bathar Tags

 Sodium metasilicate   S e salainn de silicic acid, agus a Mhoileciuilich foirmle Faodar a sgrìobhadh Na2SiO3 · nH2O. Sodium metasilicate ìseal Mhoileciuilich criostal an ullachadh leis an teas-bhualadh de cumanta builgean ionad le caustic sòda
Synonyms: Sòidiam metasilicate pentahydrate
CAS eil: 6834-92-0
Mhoileciuilich foirmle: Na2SiO3 .5H2O

Mhoileciuilich cuideam: Me = 122,066

Coltas: pùdar geal criostal

Sòidiam metasilicate pentahydratetha làidir saillte, le comas làidir de glanadh, buffering agus nas buige,-aghaidh searbh truailleadh, emulsifying reamhar agus ola, deflocculating gu inorganic. Faodaidh e àite STPP a chleachdadh airson an dèanamh èifeachdach agus detergents meirg remover airson meatailt, a 'lùghdachadh truailleadh na h-àrainneachd, a' cur bacadh meirg airson meatailt (sinc, almain, msaa). Uime sin, sodium metasilicate pentahydrate fad is farsaing air a chleachdadh airson an dèanamh de dhiofar detergents, a chleachdadh mar meirg remover airson meatailt, a bhleith AIDS airson crèadhadaireachd, deinking àidseant airson pàipear, an dath agus an clò-bhualadh luchd-cuideachaidh airson a thoirt air falbh ola ann an gnìomhachas obair-aodaich, agus cuideachd air a cleachdadh mar stuth amh airson flameproofing àidseant, plastaig cumail suas àidseant, uisge gleidheadh àidseant, etc. Used ann an uisge a lùghdachadh àidseantan, sodium metasilicate pentahydrate a tha comasach air amalachadh nas hydrones nas fheàrr a dhèanamh taiseachd chiad sreath bhuaidh


Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate sònrachadh





Tomad dùmhlachd (g / cm 3 )




Uisge Insoluble chùis

0,05% Max


100 ppm Max

Particle Meud (16-30mesh )%


leaghaidh an Rubha


It is widely used to prepare various detergents.ceramic slurry formingIn addition, it is also widely used in textile, paper making, oil extraction and other industries

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