Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate FOR CERAMIC SLURRY FORMING manufacturers and suppliers | Standard

Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate FOR CERAMIC SLURRY FORMING

Stručný popis:

Metakřemičitan sodný   is a salt of silicic acid, and its molecular formula can be written as Na2SiO3·nH2O. Sodium metasilicate is a low molecular crystal prepared by the thermal reaction of a common bubble base with caustic soda
Synonyms :Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate

Detail produktu

Štítky produktu

 Metakřemičitan sodný   je sůl kyseliny křemičité, a jeho molekulární vzorec může být psáno jako Na2SiO3 · nH2O. Metakřemičitan sodný je nízkomolekulární krystaly připraveny tepelnou reakcí společného bublin báze hydroxidem sodným
synonyma: Sodík metakřemičitanu pentahydrát
CAS: 6834-92-0
Molekulární vzorec: Na2SiO3.5H2O

Molekulová hmotnost: M = 122,066

Vzhled: bílý prášek krystal

Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is strongly alkaline, having strong capacity of cleaning, buffering and softening, counteracting acidic contamination, emulsifying fat and oil, deflocculating to inorganic. It can replace STPP to be used for the manufacture of effective detergents and rust remover for metal, reducing environmental pollution, preventing corrosion for metal (zinc, aluminum, etc.). Therefore, sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is widely used for the manufacture of a variety of detergents, used as rust remover for metal, grinding aids for ceramics, deinking agent for paper, dyeing and printing auxiliary for removing oil in textile industry, and also used as the raw material for flameproofing agent, plastic maintenance agent, water retention agent, etc. Used in water reducing agents, sodium metasilicate pentahydrate is able to integrate more hydrones to make better moisture absorption effect


Sodný specifikace metakřemičitan pentahydrát


28,7 - 30,0%


27,8 - 29,2%

Sypná měrná hmotnost (g / cm 3 )

0,80 - 0,97



Látky nerozpustné ve vodě

0,05% Max


100 ppm Max

Velikost částic (16-30mesh )%


Bod tání


It is widely used to prepare various detergents.ceramic slurry formingIn addition, it is also widely used in textile, paper making, oil extraction and other industries

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