High quality cyanuric acid manufacturers and suppliers | Standard

asam cyanuric kualitas luhur

Pondok Description:

Info tambahan

Packaging: 25kg/bag, 1mt/bag 50kg/durm

Produktivitas: 500 MT/Bulan

Merk: std

Transportasi: Samudra, Lahan

Place of Origin: china

Kamampuhan Suplai: 500 MT / Bulan

Certificate: SGS

HS Code: 29336100

Port: Qingdao,Tianjin

jéntré produk

Tags produk

Info tambahan

Bungkusan:  25kg / kantong, 1mt / kantong 50kg / durm

Produktivitas:  500 MT / Bulan

Brand:  STD

Transportasi:  Samudra, Land

Tempat Asal:  Cina

Suplai Kamampuhan:  500 MT / Bulan

Sertipikat:  SGS

Kode HS:  29336100

Port:  Qingdao, Tianjin

Panjelasan Produk

asam Cyanuric is a triazine-based organic compound that is used to test manganese and is used as a chemical raw material.Slightly bitter colorless odorless crystal. in About 330 ° C depolymerization of cyanic acid and isocyanic acid. can precipitator contains 2 molecules of crystal water From the water, the relative density of 1.768 (0 ℃), will be lose moisture and weathering in the air; can precipitation anhydrous crystals from concentrated hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid . 1g can be dissolved in about 200ml of water, no smell, taste slightly bitter. The product is also to exist in the form of keto(or isocyanuric acid)



Sinonim: asam isocyanuric (1,3,5-Triazine-2,4,6-triol, 2,4,6-Trihydroxy-s-triazine)
Rumus Molekul: C3H3N3O3
molekular Beurat: 129,1
CAS No: 108-80-5



Cyanuric asam spésifikasi:

barang Bubuk Granualr
purity ≥98.5% ≥98.0%
Moistue ≤0.5% ≤5.0%
PH (1% cai soluable) ≥3.8 ≥3.8
résidu ignition ≤0.1% ≤0.1%
cyanuramide ≤0.5%
Fe ≤35ppm
sulfat ≤0.5%
Granularity 80 bolong 10-30mesh




Cyanuric asam Dipaké di sintésis turunan klorinasi, asam trichloroisocyanuric; natrium diklorida atawa kalium;

pikeun sintésis asam cyanuric - formaldehida résin; résin epoxy; antioksidan; cet; elém; péstisida herbicide; Metal inhibitor sianida korosi; polimér modifier, jsb.; pikeun ngahasilkeun halotetrazine narkoba. Pabrik sianida klorida, cet, cet, uyah, lipid; utamana dipaké pikeun sintésis agén anyar pemutihan, antioksidan, coatings cet, herbisida tatanén, jeung logam sianida inhibitor korosi bisa dipaké pikeun kolam renang klorin penstabil, Sterilization, decontamination; ogé bisa dipaké langsung pikeun nilon, Saike, ngaduruk jeung kosmétik aditif



Pilari idéal Cyanuric asam pikeun Weedicide Produsén & supplier? Simkuring boga pamilih lega di harga hébat pikeun mantuan anjeun meunang kreatif. Sakabéh asam Cyanuric Dipaké pikeun Ajen pemutihan anu kualitas dijamin. Kami Cina Asal Factory of Cyanuric asam Sintésis of klorinasi Turunan. Upami Anjeun gaduh patarosan wae, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.

Categories produk: Treatment cai Kimia

Pilari idéal Cyanuric asam Bubuk Produsén & supplier? Simkuring boga Pilihan lega di harga hébat pikeun mantuan anjeun meunang kreatif. Sagala Cyanuric asam hazards anu kualitas dijamin. Kami Cina Asal Factory tina asam Cyanuric Paké. Upami Anjeun gaduh patarosan wae, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.

Categories produk: Perlakuan Cai Kimia

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  • asam cyanuric kualitas luhur

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