Calcium chloride 94% manufacturers and suppliers | Standard

Kalsium klorida 94%

Pondok Description:

Info tambahan

Pakét: 25kg / kantong

Produktivitas: 500 MT/Bulan

Merk: std

Transportasi: Samudra, Lahan

Tempat Asalna: Cina

Kamampuhan Suplai: 500 MT / Bulan

Certificate: SGS

HS Code: 28272000

Palabuhan: Qingdao

jéntré produk

Tags produk

Info tambahan

Bungkusan:  25kg / kantong

Produktivitas:  500 MT / Bulan

Brand:  STD

Transportasi:  Samudra, Land

Tempat Asal:  Cina

Suplai Kamampuhan:  500 MT / Bulan

Sertipikat:  SGS

Kode HS:  28272000

Port:  Qingdao

Panjelasan Produk

kalsium klorida

mangrupa uyah anorganik, nu aya salaku cairan atawa padet. Padet kalsium kloridamangrupakeun zat kristal bodas dina bentuk flake, pellet atawa bubuk. Kalawan eusi cai crystallized béda, éta tiasa dihydrate atanapi anhidrat.

Lengkep bubuka:
Rumus Molekul: CaCl2
Beurat molekular :: 219,08
CAS No .: 10043-52-4
HS Code: 28272000

mutiara kalsium klorida

kalsium klorida mutiara
Baku: GB / T23941-2009

spésifikasi klorida kalsium



Bodas Bubuk atanapi Flakes

Assay sakumaha CaCl2

94% mnt.

Total alkali klorida (sakumaha NaCl)

5% max.

Total Magnésium sakumaha MgCl2

0,5% max.

kalsium hidroksida

0,20% max.

kalsium karbonat

0,20% max.


0,20% max.

cai leyur

0,50% max.

kalsium klorida Aplikasi:
1. Used for ice and snow romoval in Winter for roads, highways, parking lots, airport, golf links etc;
2. Used for oil-well drilling, and as dehydrant in petrochemical industry;
3. Used for prevention and removal of dust, coal dust, mine dust etc;
4. Used for acceleration of the set of concrete in construction and used as solidifying agent in paint production;
5. Used as desiccant for moisture proof;
6. Used as coagulant in rubber industry;
7. Used as chloridizing agent and additive in ferrous metallurgy;
8. Used as additive in paper-making industry and also used for de-inking of waste paper
9. Used as So4-removing agent and as coagulant of sodium alginate in chemical industry;
10. Used in refrigeration industry;
11. Used as a preservative agent for food and anti-rot material for wheat, apples and vegetables;
12. Used in dye-staff production and printing industry.
25kgP.P Woven bags,23 mt in the 20″ FCL



Pilari idéal kalsium klorida pikeun Salju Romoval Produsén & supplier? Simkuring boga Pilihan lega di harga hébat pikeun mantuan anjeun meunang kreatif. Kabéh Kalsium nu klorida pangeboran Tipe anu kualitas dijamin. Kami Cina Asal Factory kalsium klorida Salju ngalembereh. Upami Anjeun gaduh patarosan wae, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.

Categories produk: anorganik Kimia

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  • Kalsium klorida 94%
  • Kalsium klorida 94%

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