Polyisocyanate adhesive manufacturers and suppliers | Standard

adhesive Polyisocyanate

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Info tambahan

Packaging: 25kg/durm

Produktivitas: 500 MT / Wulan

Merek: std

Transportasi: Samudra, Lahan

Papan Asal: China

Kemampuan Suplai: 500 MT / Wulan

Certificate: SGS

Port: Qingdao,Tianjin

Detail produk

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Info tambahan

Packaging:  25kg / durm

Produktivitas:  500 MT / Wulan

Brand:  STD

Transportasi:  Samudra, Land

Panggonan Asal:  Cina

Sumber Kabisan:  500 MT / Wulan

Certificate:  SGS

Port:  Qingdao, Tianjin

Description Product


adhesive Polyisocyanatepunika Purple utawa biru Cairan Iku saka resistance unggul banyu, resistance solvent, lan resistance mildew. Ditrapake kanggo ikatan sulfurated saka karet lan logam. Nyawiji karo karet chloroprene bisa nambah kekuwatan lan tingkat pangatusan.

adhesive Polyisocyanate

Migunakake: Digunakake digunakake ing nitrile, neoprene lan karet dianyari alam lan logam (produk karet balung) vulkanisasi iketan. Uga kasedhiya ing 309,401 lim lim kadhemen, padha ndandani mobil utama tabung, lan kluwarga Perkakas.

konstruksi cara: Gelatinize dening karya tangan lan mesin, lan garing alamiah ing suhu lan tekanan normal.


adhesive Polyisocyanate

adhesive Polyisocyanate Construction reference The adhesive joint and sulfuration of polyisocyanate adhesive is mainly the bonding of such metals as steel, aluminum, and copper with rubbers; when the belt adhesive glues, burnish, decontaminate and dry the adherend, homogenize the JG-198 adhesive with JG-198 antiflaming type curative agent in the proportion of 9:1; and then stir the liquid cement for two to three times with hairbrush or glass rod. Tack free for the first and second time of cooling deposal, while hands could touch for the last time which is of slight viscosity; correctly fold the adherend for only one time, immediately beat compactly from the center to around with peen, and it could be used 20 minutes later.





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Kategori Product: anorganik Chemicals

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  • adhesive Polyisocyanate

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