이노시톨, 수산용 최고의 사료 첨가제

이노시톨은 비타민 B 계열의 일종인 수용성 비타민입니다.
조류, 수산물 및 포유류
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의 적용 및 효능 inositol in aquatic feed
The addition of inositol to aquatic feed can improve the efficiency of feed; it can play a role inhttps://www.standard-chem.com/food-additive-corn-inositol-98-powder-inositol-nf12.html
anti-fatty liver and growth promotion in aquatic metabolism. It can increase the survival rate and
growth rate of aquatic products, avoid death and increase body weight:
A. 사료에 이노시톨을 적절히 첨가하면 잉어과가 피부 손상을 예방
하고 피부 표면의 출혈과 지느러미 침식을 방지
하여 이노시톨 부족으로 인한 질병으로 인한 사망을 예방할 수 있습니다.
와 같은 수산물의 성장을 증가시킬 수 있습니다 .
as tilapia, parrot fish, crickets, black crickets, calyx, gingiva, channel catfish, grass carp, salmon,
crickets and barramundi. increase weight quickly;
C. Appropriate addition of inositol to the feed can improve the digestive function of the
water-producing substance and improve immunity.
2. The application and efficacy of inositol in large livestock feed
A. Appropriate addition of inositol to the feed can promote the appetite of the cow, regulate the
metabolism of the cow, promote the synthesis and secretion of milk, and increase the milk yield;
B. Appropriate addition of inositol to feed can improve the digestion, absorption and utilization
of nutrients in dairy cow feed and increase nutrient absorption;
C. Appropriate addition of inositol to the feed can increase the content of milk fat, milk protein
and lactose, thereby improving the nutritional content of milk.
3. The application and efficacy of inositol in economic animal feed (bird,dog,cat)
Because inositol has the function of promoting hair growth, the addition of appropriate inositol
to the economic animal feed can make the hair growth of economic animals thick and dense,
improve the quality of the fur, and thus increase the economic benefits of the farmers.

게시 시간: 2019년 7월 25일
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